8 tips for glowing skin

Our skin is the body’s largest organ, it acts as a semi permeable barrier to protect us from the world, it is also an important organ of elimination. The health of our skin reflects our overall health.
Top tips to keep skin glowing & healthy to incorporate into your lifestyle – remember in order to create long term benefits perseverance is needed, it doesn’t happen overnight..,
1. Hydration – If we are dehydrated, our skin is the first to suffer as the body’s intelligence redirects crucial fluids to the vital organs. Drink 1.5 – 2l. pure water a day & watch your skin love it!
2. Cold pressed oils – Any dryness in the skin shows a deficiency of essential fatty acids in the diet. Take raw oils 3-4 tsp per day such as olive, flax, hemp, pumpkin & avocado, reduce cooked oils which contain no omegas and create hardening in the cell membranes. Try this for 2 weeks – your skin will be soft & healthier.
3. Lecithin granules – otherwise known as phosphatidyl choline, is essential for cell membrane & nervous system health, 2 tsp per day will help your skin to retain a hydrated look
4. Epsom salt baths – provide magnesium sulphate which effectively eliminated excess acids and toxins from the body via the skin. They will also provide much needed magnesium, the body’s natural relaxant, to calm your skin. Start with 50g and build up slowly, especially in the case of dermatitis, eczema or psoriasis.
5. Liver boost – If your liver is underfunctioning it may show up as skin problems. Give it a boost with green barley grass which is FULL of antioxidants and chlorophyll.
‘I suffered with psorasis for 30 years. After less than a month of taking barley grass & hemp oil my condition has greatly improved! Mr F, Gas Engineer
6. Colon cleanse – prevent reabsorption of toxins from the large intestine by ensuring that your bowels are eliminating properly – minimum 1-2 times a day! To encourage bowel movements soak 1 tsp golden linseed (flax) in ¼ cup water overnight & take 1st thing in the morning.
7. Relaxation – Staying relaxed support skin elasticity, maintaining hydration in the body by reducing the fight or flight release of damaging excess adrenal hormones. If you are a stress head give yourself a break and try deep relaxation and yoga.
8. Natural cosmetics & skin care – Read your labels carefully – if it contains, parabens, sodium laurel sulphate or other names too long to pronounce it’s very likely to be toxic, not only for your skin but the inner organs too!
Top tips to keep skin glowing & healthy to incorporate into your lifestyle – remember in order to create long term benefits perseverance is needed, it doesn’t happen overnight..,
1. Hydration – If we are dehydrated, our skin is the first to suffer as the body’s intelligence redirects crucial fluids to the vital organs. Drink 1.5 – 2l. pure water a day & watch your skin love it!
2. Cold pressed oils – Any dryness in the skin shows a deficiency of essential fatty acids in the diet. Take raw oils 3-4 tsp per day such as olive, flax, hemp, pumpkin & avocado, reduce cooked oils which contain no omegas and create hardening in the cell membranes. Try this for 2 weeks – your skin will be soft & healthier.
3. Lecithin granules – otherwise known as phosphatidyl choline, is essential for cell membrane & nervous system health, 2 tsp per day will help your skin to retain a hydrated look
4. Epsom salt baths – provide magnesium sulphate which effectively eliminated excess acids and toxins from the body via the skin. They will also provide much needed magnesium, the body’s natural relaxant, to calm your skin. Start with 50g and build up slowly, especially in the case of dermatitis, eczema or psoriasis.
5. Liver boost – If your liver is underfunctioning it may show up as skin problems. Give it a boost with green barley grass which is FULL of antioxidants and chlorophyll.
‘I suffered with psorasis for 30 years. After less than a month of taking barley grass & hemp oil my condition has greatly improved! Mr F, Gas Engineer
6. Colon cleanse – prevent reabsorption of toxins from the large intestine by ensuring that your bowels are eliminating properly – minimum 1-2 times a day! To encourage bowel movements soak 1 tsp golden linseed (flax) in ¼ cup water overnight & take 1st thing in the morning.
7. Relaxation – Staying relaxed support skin elasticity, maintaining hydration in the body by reducing the fight or flight release of damaging excess adrenal hormones. If you are a stress head give yourself a break and try deep relaxation and yoga.
8. Natural cosmetics & skin care – Read your labels carefully – if it contains, parabens, sodium laurel sulphate or other names too long to pronounce it’s very likely to be toxic, not only for your skin but the inner organs too!